What does Ayurveda say
about constipation?

What does Ayurveda say about constipation?
07 August 2024

What does Ayurveda say about constipation?

Constipation is a common digestive disorder that can be found as both acute and chronic forms. Millions of people around the world suffer from it giving an impression that the issue is on a rise. While it is easier to identify the problem of constipation, it is imperative that wholesome solution must be found. Fortunately, Ayurveda has a take on it. Ayurveda identifies vata dosha vitiation as a primary cause of constipation. The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha regulate the flow of energies and govern physiological activities. Although all three doshas have a role to play but vata imbalance is known to cause constipation.

What does Ayurveda say about digestive process?

In the Ayurvedic concept of digestioin, Agni or “digestive fire” is considered the cornerstone of good health. Agni is not just an entity but also a subtle force that governs the breakdown of nutrients, absorption and elimination of waste materials. When food is ingested, Agni is responsible for initiating the digestive process. This form is known as Jatharagni. With the initial breakdown of digestive juices, enzymes in stomach and small intestine, Bhutagni governs the metabolisation of good. Dhatvagni then absorbs the nutrients from food and supplies nutrition at a cellular level. After extracting the necessary nutrients, Agni also helps in elimination of waste materials and toxins from the body.

How Dosha imbalance impacts digestive health?

  • Vata-Pitta imbalance: Symptoms like burning sensation, acidic burps, gas and loose stools are usually the indicators of this imbalance.

  • Vata-Kapha imbalance: Irregular bowl movements, heaviness, incomplete digestion and overall stomach discomfort indicate this imbalance.

  • Pitta-Kapha imbalance: In this imbalance, excesss mucus production can lead to conditions like gastiritis, acidity and dampness in the gut.

Here’s how Vata dosha comes in the discussion:

Vata vitiation leads to dryness in the body, including the colon. Since vata governs motions in the body, it weakening can cause improper peristaltic movement, resulting in sluggish and harsh bowel movement. Without proper peristalsis, the chance of food staying in the larger intestine can cause over absorption of water, leading to dryness of stool and ultimately, constipation.

Ayurveda’s approach to constipation:

  • Consume according to the dosha: Vata imbalance can benefit from warm grounded foods. It is advised to eat in a calm and stress-free environment, since absorbing positive energy is just the beginning of regulating the processes within.

  • Consume digestive spices: Incorporate spices and herbs like ginger, cumin, fennel, black pepper and mint to regulate doshas according to the imbalance.

  • Avoid overeating: Overeating can overload the digestive track and put stress on your internal organ. Therefore, eat only the necessary portions and avoid excess of anything.

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